Monday, January 11, 2010

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New Year, dear old questions. Leaving out any detail on the face of the miraculous healing magic of Voldemort, I'd rather focus on the unclassifiable events that took place in Rosario.

The situation of immigrants employed in agriculture in the area has worsened. Needless to describe the facts now known by all, are two issues to be analyzed. First, the hatred that people came to the people who deal in bad conditions, poor hygiene, work has not paid a pittance for some light, how is the collection of citrus or tomato. There was a real hunt different, driven by an incomprehensible rage, moved only by resentment of people who may object to what they really dominated them for years and destroys them, the mafia (although there are those who assert there is no !), then try to vent their base instincts against those who can hardly defend themselves. It is intolerable that in a democratic and civilized state such incidents occur.

And here we come to the second point of the matter. The situation of immigrants legally employed and not in our farming sector by the Mafia, are certainly not new. Already several years ago, "Reservoir Dogs" did a report on their situation and other programs dealing with the issue. Then as often happens, was shelved and forgotten, perhaps in favor of a derby or a finale of big brother.

In Italy is growing a strong racist sentiment that scares me and outbreaks such as Rosarno are very important signs that the situation is getting out of hand. I wonder then how can the government continue to ignore such problems and, as the only solution, requiring the return to those without a residence permit or, brilliant as always, Gelmini, insist on division, more marked among students and non-Italian .

Unbelievable, the first step to integration is a new division. I remember that some people self-described Ariano began his "divisions" just in favor of a false integration. It 'nice to see how the mistakes of the past, both cyclical and unnecessarily indelible.
"'spawns perdara' i tentacoi
and cascara 'the taboo' penultimate
with Jesus 'el
and will be' a man from the mainland Black
will be 'true
Miss Italy after having a black pope
no me par
true that a black pope
sentinel' to me in canson venessian
frugal 'el' if black african
will be 'true'
(Pitura Freska, Black Pope, 1997)


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