Freefall! Why I ignorance
As always, our wonderful country, every event takes on exaggerated proportions policies. The act of a madman, driven only by a madness which for years trying to cure, has become reason to condemn, persecute (media for now), defame and accuse journalists with their articles or with their broadcasts, for some time, looking to offer a different point of view, honestly, in the information chaos Italian cattle. Point out the "Done", "Annozero" and "Ballarò" but also the Republic with his questions to the Prime Minister, stating as a gesture of moral principals Tartaglia, is pure folly. "It 's a crazy shit" seems the quintessential accountant! Okay media exploitation "the pride of the President as he left bloody car" or normal moralism that can still provoke a Scripting coward like the one that has suffered because of violence must always be condemned (as on the school, as with Cucchi, as with the protesters Recharge, ok, sorry .. dip in Utopia). But so shamelessly attacking their enemies media, a few hours after the fact, does just think that waiting more than a pretext. Also foment hatred to condemn the hate itself. Then close the sites, even blogs like this one useless, blocking Google could show movies that hail political or religious fanatics, close the newspaper "subversives" that can never contradict the more power and incite violent reprisals in the streets we send groups armed ready to charge anyone with a banner or a flag with Che Guevara in doubt, to be sure. And then expect the war between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia end!
But please!
"I have forty some ailment too many wars on the shoulders
too disgusting to be able to forget I lived
terrorism massacres massacres red black
airplanes and bombs exploded in flight over trains
smile I've seen gladiators live
the beatings of the Nazis and the new
right I saw bombs explode in the streets was distracted
And anarchists fall down from the windows "
(Forty, Modena City Ramblers, 1994)
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