answer! Profession
I would say, even if I was asked, article of (supposedly) philosopher Alessandro Alfieri and I will do starting from his own post (the parts in italics are taken in the same article, author's note).
"idolized by the crowd, cheered by the vast majority of young people as a prophet, as absolute mentor (who was given the epithet ever so unsuitable for "poet"), Vasco Rossi is a prime example of the phenomenon that seemingly-character, through its exterior facade, as it seems contrary to the conditions of the current system, but underground car that, even unwittingly, participates in the poorly integrated perfectly with its social and cultural dynamics. "
If we want to define whether or not a singer for over thirty years, writes lyrics that, like it or not, have accompanied the history of Italian music as a poet, perhaps not really a mistake or a scandal so great, given that objectively can not be ignored at a literal figure like Vasco Rossi. Keep in mind that poetry is born from the Italian folk song and works that have become the pillars of our literature, such as the Divine Comedy, were written in metric and rhythmic sounds created to read. But she probably never saw such nuances as too taken by the character of Dante contrast phenomenon. Now, you do not want to compare with the great poet Vasco and vice versa, but it is stupid nonn consider music as a form of literature. It is part of Vasco. Maybe it's that vulgar language that penny and directed that offends you, but let me tell you that us "masses" are much more susceptible to dissolved spoken but full of passion that stereotyped and falsely learned that she uses.
"The fact that Vasco" speak to the crowds, "and does so with a language similar to his, coming to an unknown number of people (like no one else has ever done), does not guarantee a positive and absolute legitimacy . Vasco define the greatest, because "everyone knows", because "his songs have to listen to all even once," because "his sentences are written on most of the diaries" of young girls and boys in high school, is a serious mistake, and explain why. To begin, I'll just say that this "logic of legitimation" are the same powerfully waved insistently by Berlusconi and his whole gang. Most decrerta not a value, never! Very often, indeed, lays down the conditions of evil perpetuated, and therefore is reversed in the non-value integrated in thought and in the mass-cultural level. "
And with that language should talk to a person, but" her "? Would you prefer a singer who uses a more courtly language (in his opinion) but that is not theirs, and therefore false? But if in the paragraph before accusing him of using a "front exterior"? You decide, what the heck! Vasco is not called the biggest for the reasons you unnecessarily listed. His songs are full of passion, truth and experience that each person has lived in his life, at different stages, from adolescence to adulthood. It 'grew up together with his works and his audience, has quickly become one of them for being true. And I'm sorry for her to see it this way because, perhaps, has never experienced the sweet feeling of falling and all the tragedies that follow, he never got a hangover with friends, stopping to sing out loud to the moon, not has ever lived. Then we avoid the comparison with Berlusconi. What she quotes from his prime minister is almost forced a ostentation of physical presence and media, a cruel destruction of thought is replaced with a false image of respectability that points to ignorance of the mass of governed by the TV. For a singer, it's Vasco, Ligabue or De Gregori is a key component that she certainly lacks the passion!
"The impressive mass of fans and estimators Vasco appreciate him for themselves, namely to maintain personal and collective identity that has enabled our country to go in shambles. Vasco is probably not only the expression of a sensitive interpreter and a collective psychology, but is himself a supporter of world that we find ourselves living today (so it is doubly guilty: guilty to reiterate its current condition, and guilty of being the most responsible). Vasco, as Berlusconi has laid down the conditions for its success, setting up the horizon of meaning (and claustrophobic dead end) in which, year after year, tautologically, the re-confirmation of an absolute ruler. Her loving supporters have for the most part no awareness of what music is, and therefore the art itself, close to the tautology of what they're hearing, and therefore claim the identity of their own subjectivity without any prevailing availability " again, "the" change "to" innovative experiences "that alone could shatter the existing order of "more equal". Fredric Jameson in Postmodernism asserts that "[...] that single pop song, through repetition, becomes inavvertibilmente existential part of the fabric of our lives, so what we actually hear ourselves, or rather our own previous play."
And here we are with the offense. If I follow Vasco and his discography for the reasons mentioned above, now I feel because of the shambles of our country? But not people like you who have the opportunity to inform people on issues that really matter, using the news media in an appropriate manner, instead of looking for easy publicity by criticizing no reason to cause people to her has nothing to do. How dare you insult me \u200b\u200bed'insultare of all the thousands of people who follow the singer Zocca? Guilty of what? We arrived at this point in Italy, not to see what the real big problem and look for scapegoats? But she knows all of us? Enough to know that we do not have musical consciousness? I grew up on bread, Beatles, Rolling Stones and Beethoven, but also King Crimson, Hendrix and Bob Marley, now yearn for bands like Radiohead and Coldplay, U2 and I also go crazy for "The Perfect World" by Dvorak, but I shall not intoxicated as a concert of Vasco. And then? Passion! Remember? And if her inability to listen and not must hear his songs turn into anger and generalization of "more equal", well they are really sad for her.
"That is to say as the 'apparent beauty that found in most parts of Vasco has to do mainly with the fact that we are actually listening to what belongs to" have "to our experiential and emotional fabric. E 'cricuito the recurrence of the "already said", "already done", and the song of Vasco subtly exploits the enjoyment generated by feelings of "participation" of "familiarity" and "sharing" that belong to the Evil absorbed from each of the listeners from the outside, forfeited and made their own modes of thought, in the (in) ability and reflective practice of valuing property. Vasco is on TV, newspapers, advertising, radio infinity its success, why not given the opportunity to listen and enjoy something different. And 'well integrated into the logic of identity, because he requires so much the object of worship, as the criterion for finding it better than other things. To put it another way, the formal and artistic carelessness, lack of "class" and "style", the "sgrammatizzazione" the most vulgar is the origin of our current problems, political, social and cultural rights, as they are in the eyes of the gullible as attempts to "emancipation" and as a guarantee of "autonomy" from power. "
Other offenses and other ignorance. I avoid repeating myself, but she loves to do and how to step in to say that if there is a singer who goes there very little on TV and even less in the newspapers, that's just Vasco Rossi. If we speak of repetition and we have seen, even without Mr. Rossi TV and newspapers are constantly repeating the same useless gravure, a little 'how the concepts of its pseudo-article! For our current problems, do not try facile accusations in the "sgrammatizzazione" Vasco, but look a bit 'to shortages of our historical education, where for years reforms to destroy one another in the most important, the culture and its dissemination.
"Vasco Rossi allegorically represents all that is evil created the '80s: the cult of arrogance, ignorance and neglect bestowed value, the belief that the logic of" hard "it was appropriate to stand up to the dominant system. As becomes obvious in the consideration of American Vasco, or in Guns'n'Roses, in the 80s it was believed that the best formula of opposition to the rule was to give up their characterizations it, and these characterizations were traced in the "culture" and "knowledge". Even beyond the concept of "high culture" and "low", the next generation he refused to even approximately close to art, critical understanding, study, believe that this approach to demonstrate a non-approval. Knowledge and willingness to critically understand the world through the study, was replaced by an "I do not care" inherited from the English punk, as well as from the UK in the late '70s we inherited the cult of synthetic drugs, the logic of "high" edonisitico and indifference. But while the firm maintained its strong punk aversion to the status quo, as it was in its very concept is impossible to be absorbed by it (both aesthetically as stylistically and formally), with Vasco and market phenomenon are all one. Becomes the most popular and respected author of young people, who appreciate the seriousness of the refusal, the cult of "popular" as "maintenance of ignorance." In this way the current system is the most suitable way to continue its unstoppable path, because it has itself generated an apparent form of "opposition" completely controlled. Oltra to encourage the market, Vasco helps keep generations in ignorance and denial of the discovery of new, and in the belief that the best way to relate to life is not care to understand the world. "
The 80's have generated more bad you should well know as the humanities that has followed. The 80 were the cradle of evil as the mob against Magiste, the affirmation of people like Craxi and Andreotti, of Milan to drink and then leave, the DC that has contributed heavily to the debt, the proliferation of entrepreneurs protected by circles mafiosi and politicians are able to do evil deeds in the light of the sun. These are the evils of the 80. Vasco Rossi was and still is, a voice of the people. Instead of pointing the finger to blame, why not try to listen to what this item and then all those who have risen to the choir, trying (and cervcano hour) to communicate? Why not take the opportunity to deal with policy analysis on the message that Vasco wanted to pursue? Avoid venturing into fields that do not know Guns'n citing 'Roses (who also listened to them should have impaled with Rossi for Italy does not further ruin?) Anglo-Saxon and punk (which, by having the record is positioned before the 80 years!), groups simply brilliant as the Ramones or the Clash are pearls for her pig. If, on the whole discography Vasco she takes as a message that in life we \u200b\u200bmust bear the world just does not understand anything, but no music, everything. And maybe those who continue to live in ignorance is not we, his fans, but she and all her false and false respectability philosophical construct.
Envy, my grandmother says, is an ugly beast!
"Although not likely ever
even if you do not know nothing ever
do not have a mistress, a vice ... strange ....
something from even a SMALL DEFECTS ...
(Practically perfect, Vasco Rossi, 1996)
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