Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phlegm In Throat After Drinking

Lush, Lush! You and I just do not understand each other! ^ _ ^

scandalize the net ^ _ ^ But I must confess that I and Lush have never had a good relationship; D

not his fault eh, but it never struck the spark

say then that I and Lush, in general, we never found, D

However, over time I did anyway my good attempts.

For example, I tried to take it to his lips scrubbino
I bought quite a few 'time ago, but even after several months of use I have never really excited.

grater good eh, and not overly aggressive, so I can not complain, but do well in math is not that costs so little, indeed.

So the conditions were not exactly those of a mad love affair.
I'm about to finish it (it has a nice longish term eh, but I will not have time to finish everything and, of course, this thing bothers me a bit '), but despite everything I had almost convinced (in the absence of other ) to buy it again.

But then I saw the videino of Lolla on YT , who had the nice thought of trying to rebuild our home August compound.

E scrubbino a rogue, what you discover!
oil and sugar. STOP!

(Moral of the story, I spent 7 € uri-odd for a bit 'of cooking oil and sugar -_-'')

Anyways, 'I might as well try.

In fact, I've tried and I must say I met a lot ^ _ ^ dell'intruglio

Obviously, compared to Lush, I miss the aroma of strawberry syrup, but I chose not to add more.

Here, the scrubbino homemade jojoba oil and sugar is completely identicoa that of Lush. But just the same-same.

Take a teaspoon of sugar (which I guess everyone has at home) and a bit 'of goccine of jojoba oil and shake.
The concoction should not be too dry, if not then is not good for his duty. Let's say you go a bit 'of thumb to find, by eye, the right consistency. I realized I prefer not to skimp with the oil, because it seems to me that the overall paciughino is less aggressive, but maybe it's an impression eh ^ _ ^

not difficult, and if I could do it, believe me, there is hope for all its ^ _ ^
E 'quite long-lived, but for security up until now I did, however, little by little, so it takes a while to prepare and it is fine for a while' time. Should eventually go bad is not that nothing serious happens, you throw, and repeat the operation, that's all.

Among other things, I just bought jojoba oil, so the cost of the whole thing can be said to have been almost anything.
But even want to buy it on purpose, this genius at worst oil costs about 8 / 9 €, herbal medicine, pure cold-pressed, and the uses are many, and then in my opinion is worth the expense.

NB. Obviously there is nothing wrong with buying the scrubbino ready eh, God forbid, but it's so easy to have it at home, in a case like this, even those, like me, is more reluctant to homemade cosmetics could return on its steps ^ _ ^
Put it this way, if one had all the ragassa nécessaire home, it would really worth a try; D


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