Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Best Anime Love Making

Why we must change the GDP-conference Dr. Kanu to L. Pacioli

On May 5 in the auditorium of the Institute of Luca Pacioli Bracciano-conference was held the meeting with Dr. IGEA students. James Kanu. Participated in the hall about 150 students with their teachers and distance have given their written contribution fellows of Sao Paulo in Brazil (the ten students who are paying the scholarship) and friends.

thanks to all those of you (students and friends) participated with questions or results with useful contributions to the debate and I thank Dr. Kanu for the report and especially the availability and simplicity that showed students in expressing its experiences and knowledge and I thank prof. Zacchaeus the skill with which he enlivened the debate and, not least, I thank the vice-dean prof. Sasso as well as the faculty of the Institute have prepared with great care and attention to the event.

Among the contributions more "concrete" quote: those of the fellows of St. Paul who said their opinion as to where to live once you find work, " the favela is a reality to be transformed or to empty? ", those among the most" challenging "who wonder if the experience of Yunus on microcredit and even more on the social business (see or www.grameen can be replicated on a large scale, and finally those that wonder (given the global crisis) what is the proper relationship between politics and the market and which of the two actors should impose its own logic to another.

One student did the filming and recording (note: students in the audience were interested in the conference also because they have chosen those themes for the final exams), hopefully within a month to publish in our blog ( ) video and then the responses of dr. Kanu your questions (I apologize for the delays must be transcribed and edit the video but we are still handmade!).

more quickly in the blog I will publish excerpts of the report of dr. Kanu and written contributions that I received as well as the service of photographs by Maria Stella Leardini during the conference.

a very cordial greeting from Roman Angels.


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