Yesterday, December 9, 2008 was opened the "show" on its premises Luca Pacioli. Students address IGEA have shown, with 90 panels of photos and graphics, the living conditions in the favelas of Sao Paulo and Cidade Ademar (district of Sao Paulo), stressing the danger of the gap between rich and poor.
Dear / i will update on the activities in progress at December 10, 2008.
1) The "photographic exhibition" in Bracciano:
Tuesday December 9 saw the opening of "exposure" on its premises Luca Pacioli (accountants, surveyors, computer), it is improper to call it "photo exhibition" because the students of the Institute, led by their teachers, have developed from 40x50 cm to 90 panels with photos, graphics, maps and texts are beginning to realize the project objectives, namely:
a) explain the conditions of life in S. Paul and in the favelas of Cidade Ademar (emphasizing the contrasts and the danger of the gap between rich and poor) and place them in comparison with the Italian and Bracciano;
c) provide a tool to raise awareness and raise funds to finance scholarships for their peers favelados.
sources of information (websites) for the research that students have used to draw graphics, text, etc.. have been notified by the coordinators of the project in Brazil (Anna and Bernard), while photos were taken by Stella.
costs of the initiative are supported by the Department of Social Services of the City of Bracciano and the Province of Rome.
2) The work awareness in Bracciano.
Awareness of young people took place through the research and preparation of material for the exhibition and will continue to care for a group of students who were instructed to illustrate the path of the "show" to their comrades of the Institute until 19 December and then from Dec. 21 until Jan. 4 at the premises of the Historical City of Bracciano. In fact, raising awareness at the popular exhibition will open to the public in rooms provided by the city for cultural events of some importance.
addition to raising public awareness on the issues held by the students is intended to collect funds for scholarships for their peers favelados.
3) The selection test in S. Paul.
On October 1 enrollments have begun training in the "Escolas profissionais Ação Social Nossa Senhora de Fatima". The CenFIRC sent the school a score of boys. In the month of November has been conducted rigorous tests deemed necessary to gain access to vocational training courses (it is expected that entries will be about 3-4000, but the Institute will only accept 1,300). Now we are awaiting the results, which should be communicated in early December, to know who among the candidates CenFIRC has been admitted. With our
project we hope to fund a dozen scholarships.
I hope you did not forget anything important, I remain available to supplement or correct the information and any clarification to an important and highest circulation of news and information between us.
A cordial greetings and best wishes to all, as well as my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Romano.
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