I " our" fellows paulistani 2010 have exceeded half of the school year (school year is in Brazil from January to December) and during the monthly meetings are showing enthusiasm and to conceal the difficulties.
E 'very successful conference / meeting on the theme "Trade Fair" (theme programmed with our project Pè No Chao L. Pacioli Institute in the Plan of Training of the Institute).
We have published our second insert in the local newspaper the agony. We are planning initiatives 2010-2011.
Dear you up to date on the activities of the project "Pè No Chão" to the September 26, 2010.
1) Fellows favela S. Paul
"Our" thanks to your contribution paulistani fellows are doing their training courses, meet monthly to review the progress of studies and to control costs. We transcribe some passages from the reports prepared by Anna Bonizzi (Resp. of our project in Brazil).
Sao Paulo May 29, 2010
".......... just started the meeting are competing to be the first to speak. They feel the need to tell what happened and how they themselves say, the group serves as a therapy. Without the group does not know if they would come up to here, in the middle of the course. The courses are very heavy for all, there are many written and oral tests.
The guys who read the messages of the Italian students have prepared answers, I am very happy to receive messages from Italy and would intensify contacts. .............".
San Paolo June 26, 2010
"............ Borsisiti I have come to the meeting with very willing to talk. They're already starting to do work in groups to the end of course papers. Unfortunately, the groups are not all "perfect" because there are members who do not want to devote to work or do anything to prevent the group to move forward.
Fernando (electromechanical course) has changed because his group was not motivated. Now he is better and is producing a machine model.
Josiane (during the tour operator) that was in a group of 7 people is now in a group of three because the others have withdrawn. His thesis final location was on Aguas de Lindóia had to change for Campos de Jordao (the "Cortina d'Ampezzo" of Brazil!) because the group has changed.
Thiago (courses in business administration) which was in a class of 55 has seen 5 guys give up. A Thiago have not yet given the theme of the thesis.
During the July holidays have a lot of work to be done in groups.
Juliana, Jaelson, Francisco and Isaac ("our" fellows 2009) attended the meeting. Each told of his experience.
Francisco that had been placed on a stage after 6 months Curse of mechanical engineering, is already working and has been contracted with the work book in December 2009.
Isaac works but not in his area of \u200b\u200bstudy and so Vanuza.
Jurandir after the stage of computing has been hired and is working; Jaelson, Juliana Nathaly and are looking for an internship.
E 'was an emotional moment to see the two groups together as well as the advice that was interesting to see the kids last year went to new boys ...."
Sao Paulo in July 2010
In July (winter in Brazil) the school year breaks for about a month
Sao Paulo August 21, 2010.
"........... All the guys are focused, after the holidays, the final work of drawing up papers. Josiane will discuss the November 3 argument referent in Campos do Jordao, Thiago November 23 referring to the logistics of an undertaking, November 22 Veandra referring to the organizational structure of an enterprise, Jailma November 22 referring to the social and environmental responsibility. ............."
The exchange of messages between the students of Luca Pacioli Bracciano and Brazilian scholars worked and some excerpts were published in our insert in The Agony of June 2010. The delay of the Italian school years (September to June) and Brazil (January-December) has prevented us from stepping up exchanges of correspondence as requested by paulistani fellows, we'll see how to fix it.
2) awareness in Bracciano
The Agony The local newspaper published in the June issue, an insert of four pages (I've sent via e-mail. Pdf) that publishes articles on "The Fair Trade. An alternative approach to purchasing conventional "developed by students of the L. Pacioli in preparation for the conference held May 22, 2010 ..
Also our blog (www.penochaoromano.blogspot.com) is an information and awareness, it was duly updated with the inclusion of all the panels of the exhibition on display in the Augustinian Cloister 13 to 21 March last, with photos inauguration as well as with regular communications on the activities of the association and our local newspaper insert published by the agony.
3) Initiatives for 2010-11
Thanks to the City Council, which has already formally indicated its intention to help finance scholarships and support the efforts of 2010-2011, we are planning with the ' Institute L. Pacioli initiatives of the school year just started. Seen the results of last year will repeat the three major initiatives: the exchange of letters between students and fellows Braccianese paulistani, exhibitions of works of students Braccianese meeting with the experts. Like every year, the theme of the exhibition and conference will be new even to some extent has its own continuity. The first year the theme was: "The GDP is still a good way to measure the development of a nation?", The second year was: "The fair trade" and this year will be two themes: "The finance ethics "and" eco-tourism. " Of course these initiatives will be accompanied by outreach activities of our project (such as publication of articles and inserts in local newspapers), and activities designed to raise money to fund scholarships (such as subscriptions). Last but not least is expected to contribute to initiatives from other agencies and in particular by the "Council for migration policies."
I hope I have not forgotten anything important, I remain available to supplement or correct the information and any clarification to the required maximum flow of information between us.
A dear greeting from Rome Angels and Star Leardini