Monday, June 28, 2010
What Do I Right In A Babtism Card
I am attaching the Mission Report 2009 approved by the Shareholders' Meeting
BALANCE AT 31/12/2009
Name of association: "Pé no chão ONLUS"
Founded on: June 22, 2009
Registered Office: Bracciano - Via Del Grillo, 8F
Fiscal Code: 97559490582
SOCIAL STRUCTURE The Association consists of (Article 12 of the Statute)
1) the Shareholders' Meeting;
2) the Board of Directors - composed of three members:
Angeli Romano
Di Filippo Maria Bruna
3) the President of the Association
Angeli Romano
Association "Pé no chão ONLUS - non-profit social organization established by Articles of Incorporation on June 22, 2009 registered with the ROME OFFICE REVENUE 10042/serie third at No. 3 - pursues exclusively charitable purposes, not for profit, falls within the rules laid in D. Decree Law of December 4, 1997, No 460 and operates in the following areas: charity, education, training and protection of civil rights.
AIMS office are:
1) Co-operate for the integral development of man and society in the name of justice and solidarity.
2) Promoting synergies with other expressions of organized civil society on issues relating to fundamental rights of the poorest, weakest, most defenseless, and the relationship of fairness and justice in political, economic and social, peace and development sustainable, by encouraging a realistic commitment to building a united humanity.
3) methodically and continuously pursue an action information and education on imbalances between areas that are too rich and too poor areas and the serious consequences that they bring to the populations most vulnerable.
4) Raising public awareness and in particular students of the territory of Bracciano on the limits of the criteria used to measure the well-being, the conditions in which they grow their peers and raise awareness among students paulistani favelados paulistani the conditions under which they grow their peers the area of \u200b\u200bBracciano. Offer adolescents paulistani grants to acquire a profession and to start a healing process of the favelas where they live.
To achieve the aims set out above, the Association, through the development of specific projects, may perform the following activities:
- Promote study and research on issues related to the phenomenon of poverty and social inequality;
- organize seminars and conferences to promote the theme for discussions and public discussions, conferences and national international exhibitions and promotion of social scientific publishing;
- organizing cultural activities including festivals and events to raise public awareness;
- Promote study and research on issues of justice, information, education and university and other issues of particular socio-political interest.
in order to achieve its objective of social solidarity, the Association may make payments to charities for the benefit of members of foreign communities also in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 10 D. Legislative Decree No. 460 December 4, 1997.
The specific objectives set and achieved in the first half of community life (from June to December 2009) were:
In Italy - Raising public awareness and youth Braccianese the conditions under which they are forced to young people grow up in the favelas paulistani and serious consequences produced by the huge imbalances between areas that are too rich and too poor areas.
- Fund raising to provide scholarships to young people of the favela Vila paulistani Mission (Cidade Ademar - São Paulo) to acquire a profession and, when necessary, to support their families during the training courses. In Brazil
The association believes that an effective intervention to prevent young people should enter into the fabric of the favela, a land of traffickers in weapons and drugs, is to allow them to learn a trade, an essential tool for can hope to leave the "scene" and to live independently and in a better future.
The courses last for one year at the vocational school Ação Social Nossa Senhora de Fátima "of St. Paul, plus one year of internship in industries and professional companies for many years in collaboration with the school itself. A scholarship for the first year costs € 1,000, while the second (stage) is levied on Brazilian companies.
activities in preparation for the birth of the association began at the end of 2008 and continuing until mid-2009 at the initiative of spouses Angels, based on their experience of volunteering and international development cooperation and as a continuation their recent efforts in the favela Vila Mission (one of the many favelas of Sao Paolo), at the Center for boys Cenfirc (Centro de Formação Ir. Cavenaghi Rita), during their residence in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 2002 to 2006.
School Year 2009 (nb: the Brazilian school year runs from January to December)
vocational training courses for fellows paulistani.
Thanks to the contribution, during the "preliminary" by the students of Luca Pacioli of Bracciano and a private company Italian-Brazilian Sao Paulo (GBD) and have received scholarships to the following boys : Emanuel R. Edson Gonçalvis Ribeiro Pereira Jaelson Miranda, Jessica Maria dos Santos Batista, Nathaly, Jurandir Castro da Silva, Fabiola dos Santos Matos, Vanuza de Oliveira, Paulo Ferreira, Francisco de Lima, Juliana de Noronha Bueno, Rafael Pereira da Silva, Izaac. Applicants for the scholarships had passed the admission test held in November-December 2008. The courses began in January 2009 and ended in December 2009.
relationships with the fellows paulistani were treated with monthly meetings run by the spouses and CENFIRC Anna and Bernard Recovery Project coordinators in Brazil. In these meetings have been verified on the development of participation of the children to their professional courses and have been controlled costs borne by students periodically advanced with the funds raised for scholarships study (the accounts are kept in the Cenfirc spouses and at recovery). Also, when it was necessary, has also been made of the meetings with the parents of the fellows in distress.
2008-2009 school year from October to December 2008: Luca Pacioli dell'IGEA students have done research on the imbalance between too rich and too poor areas of Brazil and Sao Paulo in particular. The research was summarized in panels and then displayed in the exhibition made its premises in December and the town of Bracciano.
December 2008 - January 2009: thanks to financial support and logistics (for the period "preliminary") of the Departments of Education, Culture, and Public Works Committee for Equal Opportunities was organized an exhibition of works of students dell'IGEA Luca Pacioli and the photos taken in Sao Paulo Stella Leardini illustrating aspects of the socio-economic contrasts in Sao Paulo. The exhibit remained on display two weeks on its premises Luca Pacioli and two weeks in the town of Bracciano local craft shows.
May 2009: Conference / meeting dr. James Kanu (Consultant of United Nations agencies, FAO, IFAD, WFP) with students dell'IGEA Luca Pacioli on: "Why do we have change the GDP (gross domestic product). Already in April, the students had prepared the meeting by making speeches and questions for the dr. Kanu. The conference / meeting was held May 5 in the Great Hall of the Institute and has involved about 150 students with their teachers, and distance have given their written contribution fellows of Sao Paulo, Brazil (students who have been paid scholarships) and some friends.
June 2009: participation, with a gazebo dedicated to our project, Interculture Festival organized by the city of Bracciano and held in Piazza del Comune.
July 2009: Students have used the fifth of IGEA results of the initiatives of our project for the "thesis of maturity" that was later published in a book of 70 pages.
School Year 2009-2010
Institute Luca Pacioli "upgraded" our project last year was considered an initiative IGEA address, this year became part of the Plan Offering Training Institute (POF ), then the initiatives have involved students and teachers of all addresses the Institute. The initiatives undertaken in the last quarter of 2009 were:
September-December 2009: Luca Pacioli Institute students have done research on theme: "Water common good", "The Fair Trade" and "Tourism Eco-Italy-Brazil."
December 2009: According to these studies were made of panels adorned with photos taken in Sao Paulo on display December 12 to 22 in the exhibition made its premises.
Regarding the dissemination of our initiatives:
1. The town of Bracciano has added our blog on his site, while the Institute Luca Pacioli, the newspaper The Agony and the company you are providing Bracciano Environment;
2. facebook has been activated in a "group" interest in our project that are joining many friends;
3. "Unusual" and "agony" publish articles that illustrate our ongoing initiatives.
Angeli Romano (President)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tiffany Granath Energy Drink
continuing monthly meetings of the fellows paulistani 2010 (funded by your contributions collected at the end of 2009). At the first meeting was also attended by fellow graduates last year to encourage their friends this year. We published our first insert in the local newspaper the agony. It 'very successful conference / meeting on the "fair trade" (theme programmed with our project Pè No Chao L. Pacioli Institute in the Plan of Studies of the Institute), we are planning to publish a second insert on the topic The Agony.
Dear you up to date on the activities of the project "Pè No Chão" 30 May 2010.
1) Fellows favela S. Paul
Marcos (for mechanics), Maria (Secretariat for business), Thiago (for business administration), Jailma (Secretariat for business), Josiane (tourism) and Fernando (for electro) thanks to your are making their contribution to vocational training. Meet monthly to review the progress of training and test costs. We transcribe some passages from the reports prepared by Anna (Manager of our project in Brazil).
St. Paul January 30, 2010 (first meeting in Brazil because scolstico year runs from January to December).
The group is meeting for the first time. Only Marcos and Josiane know because they live nearby. Each one is presented, we explained the importance of the monthly meeting of the group and all have proved happy to say that they need to come together to have a larger bearing .............".
Sao Paulo February 27, 2010
"............ Jaelson (our fellow graduated last year), attended the meeting to tell his story. The participants asked many questions Jaelson and eventually proved to be more confident to see that despite the initial difficulties that they are feeling and that are the same as the other guys have tried, in the end the rewards are many. Jailma said that since the early days is very scared because he never attended training so hard and intense. His first idea was to go home and give up the course. He says he has never been accustomed to such rigid rules. He knows that to become a "professional" must pass through this, it is necessary, but it is too difficult. Maria Veandra very afraid of the professors who are hard and serious and afraid to state his opinion. Thiago sees teachers in the figures of potential future leaders in the work. He knows that in the future will meet people like them and this is a good exercise for later life. Josiane is the most timid of the group and does not talk much. She likes the course, is already working with the group in two tourism projects. To end Jaelson left a message to the boys not to desist from the course and go to the end: "if I passed the test for entry to the course, means that I have studied, who are motivated and I can realize my dream. Means also that there were people on the waiting list and I have held the post of one of them. For this I give up. Other than that the school helps you to live and deal with personal problems, school children, families, and teachers and friends help you .........."
Sao Paulo March 27, 2010 "... . The group is less so in the first two meetings.
Thiago is already making several visits to the work of external group (SENAC, SESC).
Josiane has already presented two seminars (Event and Recreation) and next month there will be three written examinations. Fernando was elected as a representative of his group. He's happy but to be fair and this sometimes creates difficulties because some younger band mates are not very motivated. Jailma is gaining more confidence, is quieter and is adapting to the course. Maria Veandra say it is difficult, and three people in her class have given up ..........."
Sao Paulo April 24, 2010.
"........... The group is already very united and they are quiet talk and exchange experiences.
Fernando has already done tests of all the evidence and took a negative vote in the math test. Josiane has taken two examinations and one did not go very well. The theme was linked to the organization of events. For this he had to do a search in 10 companies that organize events and started with other colleagues to improve the negative vote. Thiago Jailma and have not yet done the exams, but only in the work group. The theme they worked on was "All are equal before the law." He presented two seminars referring to the matter of psychology and law.
Veandra Maria is the more outgoing, she likes to talk, it's very reflective. He said that the more time passes, the greater the needs. This is normal in your opinion, but it is not easy because there are many things to do. She was happy because two of the three girls who had retired, are back and are continuing ............."
E 'began exchanging messages between the students of Luca Pacioli Bracciano and fellow Brazilians and we are awaiting the responses of fellows paulistani e-mail students Braccianese.
2) awareness in Bracciano
The Agony The local newspaper published in the April issue, an insert of four pages (I've sent via e-mail. Pdf) outlining the goals and activities last year and this year's "Pè No Chão" and contains an article on "Water common good," one of the three topics that students of the L. Pacioli developed as part of our project.
On May 22, 2010 in the Great Hall of the Institute of Higher Education State Luca Pacioli
Bracciano meeting was held on the theme "Trade Fair". The meeting was aimed at students of Luca Pacioli long been involved in the project that is part of the Institute of POF (POF).
Councillor for Social Policies of the City of Bracciano Elena Carone introduced the meeting talking about a Braccianese experience of the "workshop of the world" a few years ago. Aldo
Piersanti (operator of the cooperative "for the Flower Fair Trade" Ladispoli), played a "lesson" on the issue by using different and exciting slides.
Vice-Dean prof. Sasso has finally stimulated and coordinated action that the students had prepared some time at the completion of the exhibition on display in March in the Augustinian cloister.
Given the success of the meeting and thanks to the sponsors Braccianese think to publish a second insert in the local newspaper The Agony of which I transcribe a preview of some songs.
"........... Choose a product, buy it and consume it are trivial acts of our daily existence. Yet, behind the products, there is always a long history of women and men, working conditions, the price determined by the importing country stronger. Often a history of exploitation and offensive to human dignity. Sometimes even failure to respect the environment and the rights of children .............
the World Shops: places of Alternative Trade.
The World Shops are a place where you build another market, where producers of the South may find hope of a decent life and where the act of consumption becomes an act of justice, where the purchase becomes a voting in favor of a more just and equitable .................."
(Julie Parente).
".... The Fair Trade In Italy:
- 485 World Shops (347 operated by cooperatives / non-profit organizations)
- 97.5% of total turnover € million (Italy is currently the third largest in Europe, preceded by the UK and Switzerland)
- 10 nonprofit organizations to import specialized
- 5,000 supermarkets sell Fairtrade products
- 55% of Italian shops opened after 2000
[data taken from: "Trade Fair: Analysis and evaluation of a new development model "created in 2006 by the Centre for Research on Cooperation (CRC) and the Department of Economics University of Milan-Bicocca ].......... .
(Enrica Zacchaeus).
"........ E 'can be a gradual return to a full market value as well as goods? For many it is a dream, for others it is only a hope, but few brave is already a reality, a small but tenacious, which is spreading in the network of World Shops, with which it promotes the culture of a fair profit for the producer and the price of goods, which also includes a quota for the social development of producing populations, located in poor areas of the planet. The success of this new style of business depends on future consumers, even by today's students and volunteers of NGOs are trying to raise awareness of Fair Trade ............"
(Mario Sasso)
Also our blog ( is an information and awareness, it was duly updated with the inclusion of all panels of the exhibition on display in the Cloister of the Augustinian March 13 to 21 us, with pictures of the inauguration as well as regular communications with the association's activities.
3) Initiatives for 2009-2010
from 13 to 21 March in the cloister of the Augustinians of Bracciano (one of the most areas for exhibitions and local events) has been exposed to the photo exhibition with the enormous contrasts of Brazil and St. Paul in particular (generators of inequality and misery), with the elaborate study and research of students of Luca Pacioli, as well as with the documentation of the seven young Brazilians who graduated last school year 2009 (the year in Brazil school from January to December) and the six new fellows for the academic year 2010. The Councillors
Caroni Fabiani Elena and Antonio De Santis, Profs. Mario Sasso, Enrica and Andrea Silvestrini Zacchaeus showed the students present at (a hundred) of their interest and their applause to the efforts of our project and the exhibition in particular.
Here are two pieces written on a register of visitors:
"My heartfelt thanks to the municipal administration of Bracciano, which allows students of the L. Pacioli to make visible the great research work carried out with passion on the issues of fair trade, the social good "water" and tourism. The hope that formula is spreading, thanks to this exhibition, the sense of solidarity that has guided our students to their peers in San Paolo, the visitors will certainly appreciate the beautiful pictures and graphics very significant .- L. Institute Pacioli prof. Sasso. "
" The name of the beauty of the diversity of worlds we want to continue to learn from all reality, a little thought from us! Come on! "
(Councillor for Education and Social Policy - the President of the Council for Migration Policies District F3) A student
L. Pacioli has read some excerpts of e-mails sent by students to fellows Braccianese paulistani, here's one:
"Dear Jessica (tour operators)
....... As we have said before many times we do not realize they have guys who had everything in life. A family that supports us with great love, a social situation that allows us to be happy and especially the opportunity to attend trials, a process fundamental to our growth, and that unfortunately many of you as your other peers is denied. The way out of this onerous situation where you are, we believe it is just study, study to try to give a better future for your children ......."
Twenty students of the L. Pacioli, in turn, acted as a guide to some three hundred visitors that have taken place in eight days and have also offered a significant economic contribution to the paulistani scholarships to students for school year 2010.
Now we are preparing for future activities: we will be a gazebo like last year at the festival intercultural (26 and 27 June 2010) and the party Agrarian University (and on terms to be agreed by July).
I hope I have not forgotten anything important, I remain available to supplement or correct the information and any clarification to the required maximum flow of information between us.
A dear greeting from Rome Angels and Star Leardini
continuing monthly meetings of the fellows paulistani 2010 (funded by your contributions collected at the end of 2009). At the first meeting was also attended by fellow graduates last year to encourage their friends this year. We published our first insert in the local newspaper the agony. It 'very successful conference / meeting on the "fair trade" (theme programmed with our project Pè No Chao L. Pacioli Institute in the Plan of Studies of the Institute), we are planning to publish a second insert on the topic The Agony.
Dear you up to date on the activities of the project "Pè No Chão" 30 May 2010.
1) Fellows favela S. Paul
Marcos (for mechanics), Maria (Secretariat for business), Thiago (for business administration), Jailma (Secretariat for business), Josiane (tourism) and Fernando (for electro) thanks to your are making their contribution to vocational training. Meet monthly to review the progress of training and test costs. We transcribe some passages from the reports prepared by Anna (Manager of our project in Brazil).
St. Paul January 30, 2010 (first meeting in Brazil because scolstico year runs from January to December).
The group is meeting for the first time. Only Marcos and Josiane know because they live nearby. Each one is presented, we explained the importance of the monthly meeting of the group and all have proved happy to say that they need to come together to have a larger bearing .............".
Sao Paulo February 27, 2010
"............ Jaelson (our fellow graduated last year), attended the meeting to tell his story. The participants asked many questions Jaelson and eventually proved to be more confident to see that despite the initial difficulties that they are feeling and that are the same as the other guys have tried, in the end the rewards are many. Jailma said that since the early days is very scared because he never attended training so hard and intense. His first idea was to go home and give up the course. He says he has never been accustomed to such rigid rules. He knows that to become a "professional" must pass through this, it is necessary, but it is too difficult. Maria Veandra very afraid of the professors who are hard and serious and afraid to state his opinion. Thiago sees teachers in the figures of potential future leaders in the work. He knows that in the future will meet people like them and this is a good exercise for later life. Josiane is the most timid of the group and does not talk much. She likes the course, is already working with the group in two tourism projects. To end Jaelson left a message to the boys not to desist from the course and go to the end: "if I passed the test for entry to the course, means that I have studied, who are motivated and I can realize my dream. Means also that there were people on the waiting list and I have held the post of one of them. For this I give up. Other than that the school helps you to live and deal with personal problems, school children, families, and teachers and friends help you .........."
Sao Paulo March 27, 2010 "... . The group is less so in the first two meetings.
Thiago is already making several visits to the work of external group (SENAC, SESC).
Josiane has already presented two seminars (Event and Recreation) and next month there will be three written examinations. Fernando was elected as a representative of his group. He's happy but to be fair and this sometimes creates difficulties because some younger band mates are not very motivated. Jailma is gaining more confidence, is quieter and is adapting to the course. Maria Veandra say it is difficult, and three people in her class have given up ..........."
Sao Paulo April 24, 2010.
"........... The group is already very united and they are quiet talk and exchange experiences.
Fernando has already done tests of all the evidence and took a negative vote in the math test. Josiane has taken two examinations and one did not go very well. The theme was linked to the organization of events. For this he had to do a search in 10 companies that organize events and started with other colleagues to improve the negative vote. Thiago Jailma and have not yet done the exams, but only in the work group. The theme they worked on was "All are equal before the law." He presented two seminars referring to the matter of psychology and law.
Veandra Maria is the more outgoing, she likes to talk, it's very reflective. He said that the more time passes, the greater the needs. This is normal in your opinion, but it is not easy because there are many things to do. She was happy because two of the three girls who had retired, are back and are continuing ............."
E 'began exchanging messages between the students of Luca Pacioli Bracciano and fellow Brazilians and we are awaiting the responses of fellows paulistani e-mail students Braccianese.
2) awareness in Bracciano
The Agony The local newspaper published in the April issue, an insert of four pages (I've sent via e-mail. Pdf) outlining the goals and activities last year and this year's "Pè No Chão" and contains an article on "Water common good," one of the three topics that students of the L. Pacioli developed as part of our project.
On May 22, 2010 in the Great Hall of the Institute of Higher Education State Luca Pacioli
Bracciano meeting was held on the theme "Trade Fair". The meeting was aimed at students of Luca Pacioli long been involved in the project that is part of the Institute of POF (POF).
Councillor for Social Policies of the City of Bracciano Elena Carone introduced the meeting talking about a Braccianese experience of the "workshop of the world" a few years ago. Aldo
Piersanti (operator of the cooperative "for the Flower Fair Trade" Ladispoli), played a "lesson" on the issue by using different and exciting slides.
Vice-Dean prof. Sasso has finally stimulated and coordinated action that the students had prepared some time at the completion of the exhibition on display in March in the Augustinian cloister.
Given the success of the meeting and thanks to the sponsors Braccianese think to publish a second insert in the local newspaper The Agony of which I transcribe a preview of some songs.
"........... Choose a product, buy it and consume it are trivial acts of our daily existence. Yet, behind the products, there is always a long history of women and men, working conditions, the price determined by the importing country stronger. Often a history of exploitation and offensive to human dignity. Sometimes even failure to respect the environment and the rights of children .............
the World Shops: places of Alternative Trade.
The World Shops are a place where you build another market, where producers of the South may find hope of a decent life and where the act of consumption becomes an act of justice, where the purchase becomes a voting in favor of a more just and equitable .................."
(Julie Parente).
".... The Fair Trade In Italy:
- 485 World Shops (347 operated by cooperatives / non-profit organizations)
- 97.5% of total turnover € million (Italy is currently the third largest in Europe, preceded by the UK and Switzerland)
- 10 nonprofit organizations to import specialized
- 5,000 supermarkets sell Fairtrade products
- 55% of Italian shops opened after 2000
[data taken from: "Trade Fair: Analysis and evaluation of a new development model "created in 2006 by the Centre for Research on Cooperation (CRC) and the Department of Economics University of Milan-Bicocca ].......... .
(Enrica Zacchaeus).
"........ E 'can be a gradual return to a full market value as well as goods? For many it is a dream, for others it is only a hope, but few brave is already a reality, a small but tenacious, which is spreading in the network of World Shops, with which it promotes the culture of a fair profit for the producer and the price of goods, which also includes a quota for the social development of producing populations, located in poor areas of the planet. The success of this new style of business depends on future consumers, even by today's students and volunteers of NGOs are trying to raise awareness of Fair Trade ............"
(Mario Sasso)
Also our blog ( is an information and awareness, it was duly updated with the inclusion of all panels of the exhibition on display in the Cloister of the Augustinian March 13 to 21 us, with pictures of the inauguration as well as regular communications with the association's activities.
3) Initiatives for 2009-2010
from 13 to 21 March in the cloister of the Augustinians of Bracciano (one of the most areas for exhibitions and local events) has been exposed to the photo exhibition with the enormous contrasts of Brazil and St. Paul in particular (generators of inequality and misery), with the elaborate study and research of students of Luca Pacioli, as well as with the documentation of the seven young Brazilians who graduated last school year 2009 (the year in Brazil school from January to December) and the six new fellows for the academic year 2010. The Councillors
Caroni Fabiani Elena and Antonio De Santis, Profs. Mario Sasso, Enrica and Andrea Silvestrini Zacchaeus showed the students present at (a hundred) of their interest and their applause to the efforts of our project and the exhibition in particular.
Here are two pieces written on a register of visitors:
"My heartfelt thanks to the municipal administration of Bracciano, which allows students of the L. Pacioli to make visible the great research work carried out with passion on the issues of fair trade, the social good "water" and tourism. The hope that formula is spreading, thanks to this exhibition, the sense of solidarity that has guided our students to their peers in San Paolo, the visitors will certainly appreciate the beautiful pictures and graphics very significant .- L. Institute Pacioli prof. Sasso. "
" The name of the beauty of the diversity of worlds we want to continue to learn from all reality, a little thought from us! Come on! "
(Councillor for Education and Social Policy - the President of the Council for Migration Policies District F3) A student
L. Pacioli has read some excerpts of e-mails sent by students to fellows Braccianese paulistani, here's one:
"Dear Jessica (tour operators)
....... As we have said before many times we do not realize they have guys who had everything in life. A family that supports us with great love, a social situation that allows us to be happy and especially the opportunity to attend trials, a process fundamental to our growth, and that unfortunately many of you as your other peers is denied. The way out of this onerous situation where you are, we believe it is just study, study to try to give a better future for your children ......."
Twenty students of the L. Pacioli, in turn, acted as a guide to some three hundred visitors that have taken place in eight days and have also offered a significant economic contribution to the paulistani scholarships to students for school year 2010.
Now we are preparing for future activities: we will be a gazebo like last year at the festival intercultural (26 and 27 June 2010) and the party Agrarian University (and on terms to be agreed by July).
I hope I have not forgotten anything important, I remain available to supplement or correct the information and any clarification to the required maximum flow of information between us.
A dear greeting from Rome Angels and Star Leardini
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